Junior high students and best friends Yuuki Miaka and Hongo Yui encounter a mysterious book, T
KY, while at the library. The opening lines of the book explain that it is the legendary story of a young girl transported to a faraway land, and that it is also an incantation to make the story real. Once they read past this introduction, they are instantly transported into the world of the book, ancient China. They are accosted by a small band of ruffians only to be rescued by a charming young man, who almost immediately asks for payment in return. Since they are modern Japanese students, they certainly do not have the appropriate payment. As Miaka watches him walk away in disappointment, Yui disappears and is transported back to the modern world, whereupon she resumes reading the book.

Yui quickly realizes that Miaka is actually experiencing the events she is reading about in the book. She gradually comes to realize that she is magically linked to Miaka, but does not understand why. When she reads about a wound that Miaka suffers, Yui is shocked to discover blood on her own clothing; when Miaka becomes sick, Yui also suffers the fever. Miaka, left alone and not knowing that Yui is back safe in the present, desperately searches for her missing friend. In the process, she is once again rescued by the young man, Tamahome, whom she accuses of kidnapping Yui. After she cajoles Tamahome into helping her find Yui, they are captured by the emperor's men when Miaka boldly and stupidly approaches his imperial entourage asking for some of the emperor's money. In doing so, Miaka trips and falls over the guards while chasing the emperor's coach. But, rather than suffer some ignominious fate, Miaka is eventually recognized by the emperor, Hotohori, as Suzaku no Miko, the legendary savior and protectress of the country.

To return home, Miaka must gain the power of Suzaku, the god of the southern sky, which means she must assemble the seven seishi of Suzaku and then perform a summoning ceremony using the scroll of T
KY. If the ceremony
is successful and Suzaku appears, Suzaku no Miko will be granted the power to fulfill three wishes. Tamahome and Hotohori are the first two Suzaku seishi; with their help, Miaka must find the other five.

Romantic complications help propel the story. A triangle soon arises between Miaka, Tamahome, and Hotohori. These relationships are further complicated by the introduction of a third seishi, Nuriko. Nuriko is a recently arrived court princess, who has her own inclinations toward Hotohori, as well as some more private surprises. That she finds herself competing for the handsome emperor's attention with this strange newcomer does not make for a good start to their relationship. At the outset, Nuriko mercilessly persecutes Miaka and tries to seduce Tamahome to make Miaka jealous. Once she sees that Miaka is drawn toward Tamahome over Hotohori, she is able to treat her more appropriately, though she still teases Miaka the most out of all her seishi.

Yui is also developing feelings for Tamahome, no doubt in partial concordance with Miaka's own feelings. When a gravely ill Miaka temporarily returns to the modern world, Yui finds herself drawn into the book, only she appears in Kutou country, which is currently warring against Konan. She is also assaulted, but her rescuer is the manipulative and devious Nakago. To say that Nakago is the complete opposite of Tamahome is an understatement, and his manipulations of Yui, combined with her own feelings for Tamahome, drive her to become Seiryuu no Miko and directly oppose her best friend.
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