In the early hours of the morning, a flute is heard playing. Kids from all over the city seem to get up and follow the musician to a ship, singing about candy, chocolate, a magical world, and three o'clock fairies. The musician takes them all away into the sky and then disappears, all the while being watched by a small boy, who also has a flute. Meanwhile, Usagi and the others are making cookies at Mako-chan's house. Usagi's are very pretty cookies while Chibi-Usa's are ugly. Chibi-Usa boasts that while hers are ugly, when eaten they'll give you 100x power and 100x courage. Unfortunately for Usagi, her cookies are very bad tasting while Chibi-Usa's are good. When the cuckoo clock goes off, Mako-chan, realizes it's 3PM and talks about the 3 o'clock fairy. Chibi-Usa runs off to give her cookies to Mamoru. On the way to Mamoru's apartment, she notices a boy that looks like a fairy. She investigates but doesn't see anything too odd. They talk for a while and the boy plays his flute to make the cookies in a candy store dance. Chibi-Usa is amazed and introduces herself. The boy introduces himself as Peruru. Chibi-Usa gives him her cookies that she had made and leaves. Meanwhile, at Mamoru's apartment, Usagi is upset because she thinks that Mamoru loves Chibi-Usa more than her. Mamoru proves his love by eating Usagi's disgusting cookies. They then hear a report on the radio about kids in over 40 countries getting abducted in their sleep. That night, the same musician comes and Chibi-Usa is one of the victims. Diana wakes Usagi and they follow after her. They follow Chibi-Usa all the way to a ship where Usagi spanks Chibi-Usa to snap her out of it. The music then stops and the man with the flute speaks. He sends candy monsters after the 6 girls. Once they realize that they can't beat the monsters themselves, they transform and fight. Tuxedo Mask comes to help, but he is seriously hurt in the fight. Peruru also appears and reveals that he is a fairy, just like the other man. In the commotion, Chibi-Moon is captured and taken away and the senshi confront Peruru to ask how they can save Chibi-Moon. Peruru explains that Badiyanu is behind all of this. She ordered him and three other fairies to collect children and bring them to her. Peruru and the senshi take Peruru's ship and follow the other fairy, Pupuran. When they get to Badiyanu's castle, they are attacked and crash. Pupuran and two other fairies then confront them. The battle seems to be going in the fairies' favor when suddenly the outer senshi appear. They find the fairies' weaknesses and defeat them. They then all go to the heart of the castle where Badiyanu is. Once there, they find Badiyanu and Chibi-Moon. Badiyanu explains she wants the sugar energy of all the children's dreams so that she can revive the black dream hole to swallow the earth. Sailor Moon and Peruru then try to infiltrate Badiyanu's shield to save Chibi-Moon. The others try to help but are quickly subdued. Sailor Moon and Peruru make it through but Badiyanu goes into the black dream hole. After eating one of the cookies that Chibi-Usa made (which Peruru still had) that gives 100x power and courage, Sailor Moon follows after her. Sailor Moon finds Chibi-Moon but is sent into a dream world. She breaks free however and uses the power of the ginzuishou to revive Chibi-Moon. They then use a double Moon Gorgeous Meditation to destroy Badiyanu and destroy the black dream hole. When they return to earth. Peruru gives Chibi-Moon his flute so that she would remember him. Chibi-Moon gives Peruru a kiss in return. Peruru then flies off while the other senshi look on.

To watch this show: TBA
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