Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kodocha (1996-1998) - 102 Episodes

Sana Kurate is an 11-year-old superstar. Her hit series, "Child's Toy," is broadcast all over the country each afternoon garnering her fame and fortune beyond any 11-year-old's wildest dreams. Her life appears charmed, both free of worry and regret.

However, Sana's life isn't all it's cracked up to be. There is the constant strain of being a child star, filming her television series, commercials, and even movies. Her mother, an award winning novelist, insists Sana devour a healthy breakfast before leaving the house each morning, even if she is running late. And then there is her arch enemy Akito Hayama.

Akito and his band of bullies torment Sana and her classmates each and every day. But Sana has decided to take a stand! She devises a plan to scare Akito, and reclaim control of the classroom. But as she battles on against Akito, and worms her way into his life, she discovers that there is more to Akito than he would ever want anyone to know. Might there be something in him worth redeeming? Will these opposites attract?

To watch this show: Click here

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